
Documentation Unicornus

Table Of Contents

The idea of Unicornus is

  • define a data model in Go with structs
  • add constraints with validation tags
  • define the layout in Go
  • render data to HTML with the defined layout
           ┌─────────────┐             ┌─────────────┐
           │             │             │             │
Validation │ Data Model  ├──────┬──────┤ Form Layout │
           │             │      │      │             │
           │             │      │      │             │
           └─────────────┘      │      └─────────────┘
                  ▲             │
                  │             │
                  │             │
                  │             │
                  │             │
                  │             │
                  │             ▼
                  │       ┌───────────┐
                  │       │           │
           Submit │       │           │
                  │       │   HTML    │
                  └───────┤   Form    │
                          │           │
                          │           │

Code Examples

Simple Example

Creating a form in Unicornus is very simple. You define the data structure and then the form layout. Then you can simply call RenderForm with the data on the form layout to create HTML.

import (
  uni "github.com/inkmi/unicornus/pkg"

type simpledata struct {
  Name string

// The data of the form
d := simpledata{
  Name: "Unicornus",
// Create a FormLayout
// describing the form
ui := uni.NewFormLayout().
Add("Name", "Name Label")

// Render form layout with data
// to html
html := ui.RenderForm(d)

From cmd/example/example1.go

Displaying Errors

Unicornus can render form with errors. Errors are map[string]string and contain the field which created the error and an error text. These errors together with the data are rendered with RenderFormWithErrors.

import (
  uni "github.com/inkmi/unicornus/pkg"

type errorexample struct {
  Name string

// The data of the form
d := errorexample{
  Name: "Unicornus",
// Create a FormLayout
// describing the form
ui := uni.NewFormLayout().
Add("Name", "Name")

// Errors are a map of string -> string
// with field names and error texts
errors := map[string]string{"Name": "Name can't be Unicornus"}

// Render form layout with data
// to html
html := ui.RenderFormWithErrors(d, errors)

From cmd/example/example2.go

Results in

Nested Data

Data in Unicornus can be nested. A struct can have sub structs and those are rendered into HTML. An embedded struct is best layouted with AddGroup. The name of the group is the name of the embedded struct, in this case Sub. The label of the group is displayed as a header, the description of the group is displayed for explanation.

The AddGroup is given a function func(f *uni.FormLayout). Inside this function (kind of a callback) the layout of the group is defined. The root is the sub struct of the group.

import (
  uni "github.com/inkmi/unicornus/pkg"

type subData3 struct {
  SubName string
type data3 struct {
  Name string
  Sub  subData3

// The data of the form
d := data3{
  Name: "Unicornus",
  Sub: subData3{
    SubName: "Ha my name!",

// Create a FormLayout
// describing the form
ui := uni.NewFormLayout().
Add("Name", "Name Label").
AddGroup("Sub", "Group", "Group Description", func(f *uni.FormLayout) {
  Add("SubName", "Sub Label")

// Render form layout with data
// to html
html := ui.RenderForm(d)

From cmd/example/example3.go

The names of the fields in the HTML forms are dot se

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